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RarmaRadio Pro 2.75.5 Multilingual

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RarmaRadio Pro 2.75.5 Multilingual


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RarmaRadio Pro 2.75.5 Multilingual



RaimaRadio Pro Free Download: RaimaRadio Pro allows you to listen to and record radio stations from around the world. While listening to your favorite radio station you can record it anytime you want. Browse through the radio stations or just select a random station and enjoy Internet radio! You have total control over your radio stations allowing you to add or delete a station anytime you want. Need to play a station from another applicaton then just enable global hotkeys and control it anytime. With RarmaRadio you can receive and record thousands of radio stations available on the Internet .

RaimaRadio Activation Key Features:

Listen to and record multiple stations simultaneously
Create a schedule for automatic recording
Shows cover art and lyrics for each song
Saves tag information to music files
Ability to add your own stations
Add or update stations in the online database
Store your favorites online
Live365 support including track information
Multiple language support

Release Name: RarmaRadio Pro 2.75.5 Multilingual
Size: 13.2 MB


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