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Willie Nelson - Countryman (2005)

Moderador: DIGI

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Willie Nelson - Countryman (2005)


Mensagem por DIGI »

Willie Nelson - Countryman (2005)


01. Darkness On The Face Of The Earth (2:17)
02. Do You Mind Too Much If I Don't Understand (2:48)
03. How Long Is Forever (3:22)
04. I Guess I've Come To Live Here (3:26)
05. I`ve Just Destroyed The World (2:44)
06. I'm A Worried Man (2:35)
07. One In A Row (3:33)
08. Sitting In Limbo (2:41)
09. Something To Think About (3:14)
10. The Harder They Come (3:38)
11. Undo Right (2:32)
12. You Left Me A Long, Long Time Ago (3:02)

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