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Taran Mitchell – Alexander The Making of a God (Soundtrack from the Netflix Series) (2024)

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Taran Mitchell – Alexander The Making of a God (Soundtrack from the Netflix Series) (2024)


Mensagem por DIGI »

Taran Mitchell – Alexander The Making of a God (Soundtrack from the Netflix Series) (2024)


Release Name: Taran Mitchell – Alexander: The Making of a God (Soundtrack from the Netflix Series) (2024)
Size: 135.2 MB
Genre: Soundtrack
Quality: 320Kbps

01 - Alexander The Great
02 - King Darius
03 - Fire And Blood
04 - Uprising
05 - Greatest Love
06 - Persian Supremacy
07 - Babylon
08 - Berserker
09 - Boy King
10 - The Oracle
11 - Omens
12 - Battle of Gaugamela
13 - Traitors
14 - Conquest
15 - Stateira's Fate
16 - Egypt
17 - Vengeance
18 - Alexandria
19 - Gods And Demons
20 - Shadows
21 - World To Conquer
22 - Purge Them All
23 - Betrayal
24 - Darius's Downfall
25 - King Of Kings

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