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Ringo And His Country Band - O Melhor Do Faroeste (1998)

Moderador: DIGI

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Ringo And His Country Band - O Melhor Do Faroeste (1998)


Mensagem por DIGI »

Ringo And His Country Band - O Melhor Do Faroeste (1998)

01 - The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
02 - Green Lea Ves Of Summer (The Alamo)
03 - For A Few Dollars More
04 - The Virginian
05 - How The West Was Won
06 - Song Of The Prairie
07 - The Magnificent Seven
08 - Death Has A Price
09 - Hig Noon
10 - Wand'rin Star (Paint Your Wagon)
11 - Bonanza
12 - Let's Get To The Point

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